Join us for Summer Day Camp,
Field Trips, and Group Events at our
Petting Farm in Canton, Michigan
Day Camp & Farm
Real Life
Contact Us: RealLifeFarm@yahoo.com
Summer Day Camp
Our Summer Day Camp has served Canton, Michigan, and the surrounding communities with summer child care for school age children for more than 70 years. Now in its third generation, the Fraser Family continues to provide first class, friendly, secure, State-licensed fun for kids ages 6-14. (For children younger than 6, please see our Junior Day Camp)
Real Life Day Camp Daily Schedule
Camp opens with animal care and barn play.
Horse program begins in the horse barn with feeding, grooming, and tacking up the horses. Other activities open as counselors arrive to supervise them. These activities may include Arts and Crafts, B.B. gun Range, Archery Range, Group Games and Playground activities, Back Barnyard, Animal Care and more. First time campers are given a tour of the farm by a counselor.
ROLL CALL...All campers and staff meet in the main eating area. Camper attendance is taken along with morning announcements.
Orientation for first time campers only. Rules of camp are explained during orientation along with fire and severe weather procedures.
ACTIVITIES RESUME: Beginner Horseback Riding Lessons, Animal Care, Arts and Crafts, Archery range, B.B. gun range, Group Games, Camp Crafts and Special Activities (see calendar of events)
Lunch horn sounds. Campers must wash hands, get lunches from the barn and meet in lunch area for a head count.
Mid day announcements are made, campers pray for lunch and eat in designated areas.
Monday and Wednesday the campers have the option to ride the camp busses to Canton Summit to swim. After lunch, campers will either grab their swim gear and get on the busses, or meet in the main pavilion for "swim stay-back." Upper level horse back riders will meet at the horse corral. Another head count is done and the busses leave for the pool.
On Thursdays the camp takes all the campers on a field trip. You can check the Calendar of Events to see what the field trip is each week. There is no "stay-back" option for field trip days. Thursday lunch schedules will vary depending on the time of the field trip. Schedules will be announced each week to parents and at Roll Call each day to the campers.
On Tuesdays and Fridays we will not leave the farm property with the campers. When lunch is over, counselors will be dismissed first to open thier after lunch activities, followed by the campers. Fridays are also camp Cook-Out days. Campers will each lunch with their age group and counselor around a campfire. Campers are encouraged, but not required, to bring a hotdog, hamburger and/or s'mores ingredients to cook on the fire for lunch.
Campers Traveling to the Summit (Monday & Wednesday):
Travel to Summit Pool in Canton. Staying back from swim is an option. Parents must sign campers up for "Swim Stay Back" at drop off if the camper wishes to not go to the pool
Disembark...change into swim suits...shower...head count inside pool area...Swim test for all new campers and classify campers into swimming groups.
Swimming at the Summit pool in Canton. Regular buddy checks. A limited number of activities are open back on the farm for Swim Stay Back kids.
Exit pool...change clothes...load buses ...head count.
Travel back to camp.
Campers staying back from the Summit (Monday & Wednesday):
After a head count, staff will announce which activities are open during stay-back (since half the counselors will be at the Summit, not all areas are open during stay-back). Campers will be released to choose their activities.
Campers in the Horse Program-higher levels:
Campers will help take the horses to water, groom and tack them. Higher level riding lessons will be from 2:00-4:00 each day. After riding lessons campers will take horses back to the horse barn to untack them for the day and put them back in the pasture for the night.
Friday Schedule:
Cook out lunch may take longer than regular lunch time. After each group is done eating, counselors will report to their after lunch activities and campers will be released to choose an activity.
All campers are welcome to help untack and brush the horses before putting them back in the pasture for the night. Some more activities reopen as the counselors from the pool return. Parents pick up and sign out campers between 4:00-6:00 p.m. As counselors leave for the day activities will begin too close.
All outside activities are closed. Campers are required to be inside the Big Red Barn for the remainder of the camp day while they wait to be picked up.
Camp Is Closed...see you tomorrow!
Special Notes:​
Every Thursday is a field trip day. Please check the Calendar of Events as to the destination for each week. Field trips are subject to change due to the weather. Campers are allowed to bring some spending money on some of the field trips for souvenirs or concessions. We return to camp by 4:00 p.m. on all field trip days. We also return to the farm by 4:00 p.m. from swimming.
Every Friday is a cook out day. Campers may bring a hot dog and bun or a hamburger patty wrapped in tin foil and a bun or bread instead of a sandwich. Pack the rest of their lunch as usual. Camp will supply ketchup, mustard, and “bug juice.”....marshmallows are yummy!
Please remember to stop at checkpoint to sign your child in and out every morning and afternoon!
There is a $1.00 per minute late fee after our closing time... 6:00 p.m.